Based in Sasolburg in the Vaal Triangle, in the far northern Free State province of South Africa, (HAZLOC) Hazardous Location Consultants & Training was established in 2009.
HAZLOC operates worldwide and currently have clients national as well as international.
We are committed to safety and integrity as a way of life with a pro-active safety and legal compliance attitude.
Strive for the preservation and protection of all people and environment.
Satisfy the specific requirements and needs of our Customers and continuously building a trustful relationship with all our Customers.
The company's key strengths lie in the experience that we've gained from being actively involved (hands-on) in the industry, we therefore have extensive knowledge and experience in various hazardous locations.
Our international knowledge and expertise is something that very few companies can offer regarding hazardous location competency.
Experience such as this provides HAZLOC with a unique insight into the highly specialized field, something which clearly differentiates the company among others.
We strongly believe this, along with openness, honesty, integrity and being in constant contact with clients, is the key to the company's success over the years.
Some of our clients located nationally & International include:-
- Eskom
- Sasol
- Tiger Brands
- RCL Foods
- Anglo American
- Denel
- Engen
- Tati Nickel (BW)
- Weatherley Mining (NAM)
- Hatch Goba
- SC Johnson (Kenya)
- Meadow Feeds / Astral
- Transnet Ports
- Vedanta (NAM)
- Arcelor Mittal
- Safripol
- DML (BW)
- Natref
- VWS Veolia (Madagascar)
- OPS (Angola)
- Lonmin
- Actom Energy
- Sapura Drilling
- South African Bank Note
- Shell Petroleum (Nigeria)
- Palabora Mining Company
- Swakop Uranium (NAM)
- Quercus (UAE)
- Distell
- Thyssenkrupp
- Anglo Platinum
- Afrox
- Air Liquide
- Bidvest Tank Terminals
- BP (Angola)
- Lafarge (ZIM)
- Bureau Veritas
- Ohorongo Cement (NAM)
- Pioneer / Panar
- Seadrill
- Valaris
- NOV Rig Tech
- Yinson Production
- TransOcean
and many more..